3 mth ST delta spawned
in Dec 00. He is not even flaring! Colour will turn more greenish
as the fish matures.
Same fish as evidenced
by the 3rd lagging dorsal ray. 80th percentile ranking within spawn.
Another flaring
3mth ST male showing near HM caudal spread. Notice the consistency
of the spawn. 50th percentile.
This picture
is "rotated" to make the fish appear horizontal, again full brother to
1st 3 fishes. 50th percentile as the caudal doesn't spread much when
Young HM.
This fish shows some slight discolouration near the rim of the fins due
to agressive finnage growth, a fault which is remedied as the fish ages.
3 mth STF
Full sister to fish on
the left. We like the strong dorsal and straight caudal rays that
extend all the way.